If you are a follower of Christ, then you are mandated by God to be a voracious, intentional learner. You cannot allow yourself to settle, to be less than your best in whatever field of endeavor you have committed yourself to. You must always strive toward excellence in whatever you pursue. And you are not allowed to ignore the world around you - otherwise known as the real world. You are not supposed to be a relic of the past or even a preserver of the past. You are to be in the world making it a better place to live. Rise to the top and see what God can do with your life. This doesn't always mean you will be the best in the world at what you do, but you are supposed to be the world's best you.....Bring your best and move forward with confidence that God's incredible ingenuity will use even your shortcomings to do amazing things through your life.
Erwin Raphael McManus
(from Wide Awake: The Future is Waiting Within You)
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